Over the course of this season 2 of Solving JFK, a recurring theme that we’ve seen is the impersonation of Lee Harvey Oswald. It’s one thing for a witness to say that they saw a guy who they thought looked identical to Oswald when we know that Oswald could not have been there. Witnesses are often incorrect about recollections of what they saw, especially what someone looked like.
But, that’s not the situation for the impersonations of Oswald that we’ve seen so far. In many cases, the witnesses said that the man they identified as Oswald provided extra details to make it clear that, if he wasn’t really Oswald, he was trying to make people think that he was. When we talk about Oswald impersonations, what we mean is people believing the man they saw looked like Oswald combined with some unique identifying fact consistent with Oswald’s life, like, for example, an ID card, his service in the Marines, or his time in the Soviet Union.
In this episode, we look at the many impersonations of Oswald in the Fall of 1963. Is there enough evidence to conclude that Lee Harvey Oswald was being impersonated? And if there is, what are the implications?
Robert McKeown
During the Cuban revolution, when Fidel Castro was leading the charge to overthrow Fulgencio Batista, some of the weapons that Castro used were supplied by an American named Robert McKeown.[1] McKeown had been a gunrunner, but he retired from gunrunning after he was arrested in 1958 for supplying weapons to McKeown’s friend, Fidel Castro.[2] This was during a period of time when the American government was somewhat ambivalent towards Fidel Castro, and when the CIA even supplied him with finances “in an effort to purchase goodwill for the United States” if Castro and his rebels succeeded.[3]
One morning around late August or early September of 1963, two men came to visit McKeown and his friend Sam Neal at McKeown’s house in St. Leon, Texas. One man was a Cuban named Hernandez. The other was an American named Lee Oswald.[4]
Here’s how McKeown described his interaction with Oswald to the House Select Committee on Assassinations:
As I opened the door he says, well, golly, I finally found you. You are McKeown, are you not? And I said yes. And he said well, I have looked for you quite awhile but I am sure that you are McKeown. So I invited him in. He had another gentleman with him and he was more or less in his shirtsleeves, you know, he was not dressed up or anything, but the other fellow was dressed up.
He says, I understand that you can supply any amount of arms. I said, who told you that? He says, well, I am pretty sure that you can do it. He says, we are 'thinking about having a revolution in El Salvador --that is where he said, I said, El Salvador? He said yes.
I said, well, I want to tell you right now here that I am on probation and I said I am not about to get mixed up in no damned arms of any kind, not anymore. I said I am in enough trouble as it is. So I told him, I would not give him nothing. So he kept on talking, you know, and said that I could make all of this money and everything and I said well, not interested in money. I am married now, I am working, I am trying to do right and I do not want to get mixed up in anything like that.[5]
The two men then left McKeown’s home. Despite McKeown telling them that he didn’t want to be involved in gun running since he was still on probation from the last time he was arrested, McKeown says Oswald came back to his door again a few minutes later:
I went outside of the house and he told me, he said, Mac, would you do me a favor? And it will not involve you in any way. He says I can give you $10,000 if you can get me four rifles. He says he would prefer 300 Savage automatics with a telescope sight, and I kind of thought a little bit, you know? And I said, what do you want with four rifles. You can't do nothing with a revolution with four rifles. So he says, well, if you get them for me, I would sure appreciate it. He says, I will give you $10,000 if you can get those four rifles.[6]
McKeown, once again, told the man who called himself Oswald that he could not help him. But he did suggest that if he just wanted a few rifles he could buy them for $75 from a hardware store (which is far far less than the $10,000 that the man offered McKeown). The two men then left McKeown’s house.
After Jack Ruby shot Oswald, Sam Neal called McKeown on the phone and said QUOTE “Mac, are you watching the TV? That’s the bastard who was at your house that got killed, that Ruby killed.”[7] McKeown agreed that it was the same Lee Oswald.[8]
We know that the man who visited McKeown could not be Lee Harvey Oswald because Oswald was in New Orleans until late September, when he left for Dallas or Mexico City, depending on your interpretation of the facts. The fact that this Oswald character was offering to pay McKeown hundreds of times more than the value of the guns he was requesting, is a red flag. If McKeown had acquired and sold these guns to the man, then we would have Fidel Castro’s former gun runner providing arms to Lee Harvey Oswald, a Castro sympathizer.[9]
Alice, Texas
On October 3, 1963, a man who would later be identified as Lee Harvey Oswald visited the KOPY radio station in Alice, Texas (about 400 miles south of Dallas) and asked station manager Mike Rioa about a job as a radio announcer. Rioa told the man to come back the next day to speak with his boss, Laymon Stewart.[10]
Later that same day, a waitress at the BF Café in the city of Freer, about 35 miles west of Alice said she saw a man who looked like Oswald around 6:30 on the evening of October 3rd (which is the same night that the man believed to be Oswald asked KOPY Radio about a job and was told to come back the next day). The waitress said the man looked like Oswald and had a woman with him with shoulder length blond hair who spoke a foreign language, as well as a small child. The waitress, whose name the FBI did not include in the report, did not mention anything about the woman being pregnant.[11] (And we know that Marina was 9 months pregnant during this time.)
On the next day, October 4th, a man who said his name was Oswald filled out an application at the Hill Machinery Company in Alice, Texas. He listed Marine Corps service on his application. Mechanics Leo Sepulveda and M.E. Pope both told the FBI after the assassination that this man was identical to the Lee Harvey Oswald who was accused of killing President Kennedy. They said he was driving a Chevy sedan and his wife was waiting for him in the car.[12]
Apparently after applying at Hill Machinery Company, the man returned to KOPY radio and spoke to the boss there, Laymon Stewart. The man who claimed to be Oswald said he was unemployed and had just returned from Mexico. He was driving a Chevy sedan and he had his wife and a small child in the car. The man said that his wife did not speak any English. Stewart told the man that there was no job available at the station. The man then asked if Stewart knew whether there was a job available at KBOP radio station in Pleasanton, Texas, about 80 miles north of Alice. Stewart responded that he didn’t know. Both Laymon Stewart, and KOBY traffic manager, Robert Janca, said that the man they spoke with was identical to Lee Harvey Oswald.[13]
Sure, enough, it appears that this man did go to KBOP in Pleasanton. The FBI interviewed Dr. Ben Parker, the owner of KBOP, and he said that a man came to see him looking for a job around the same time that Oswald was looking for a job in Alice. (Parker actually says it was October 8th or October 15th). Dr. Parker was noncommittal about whether this person looked like Lee Oswald, but he said quote “it was possible.”[14]
When it comes to these sightings in early October near Alice, Texas, we know that the man could not be Oswald because Oswald had a meeting at the Texas Employment Commission on October 3rd and stayed overnight at the YMCA in Dallas. And on October 4th, Oswald hitchhiked from the Dallas YMCA to Ruth Paine’s home. Again, this is not a simple mistaken identity. Aside from him looking like Oswald, we have the elements of specific things about Oswald’s life that confirm he is specifically being impersonated: a foreign speaking wife, having recently returned from Mexico, service in the Marines, a 2 year old daughter, and most notably – using the name Oswald at the Machinery company.
Oswald and Ruby Together?
So far, we’ve gone in chronological order with these Oswald imposter sightings. But, now, we’re going to turn to a startling grouping of false Oswald sightings: ones where witnesses claim to have seen Lee Harvey Oswald with night club owner, Jack Ruby - the same man who would go on to kill Oswald. For each of the days of these sightings, we know that Oswald was either with his family in Irving, or at work at the Book Depository. Nevertheless, at least 12 people claim to have seen someone who they identified as Lee Harvey Oswald with Jack Ruby.
Dallas attorney Carroll Jarnagin told the FBI that he was at Jack Ruby’s Carousel Club around 10pm on October 4th. He was talking to a showgirl at an adjoining table and he overheard a conversation between two men he later identified as Jack Ruby and Lee Oswald. Jarnagin claimed that he heard Oswald and Ruby talk in detail about a plan to kill Governor Connally in Dallas during a parade, and from the window of a tall building. Oswald said that he could make the shot, but he was worried about getting caught. Ruby told him that all he needed to do is run out the back of the building and he would be lost in the commotion.[15]
The amount of detail in Jarnagin’s December 3, 1963 FBI statement is impressive – almost so impressive that it doesn’t seem like anyone would be able to remember that level of detail about an event that happened two months earlier. But, Jarnagin is not the only one who saw Oswald with Ruby.
Wally Weston was the emcee at the Carousel Club. About 3 weeks before the assassination, a man he later identified as Oswald yelled at him while Weston was on stage. He said, QUOTE “I think you’re a communist!” Weston came down from the stage and punched the man. Then he heard his boss Jack Ruby say, QUOTE “I told you never to come in here.” Weston says Ruby then threw him out of the club.[16]
Three former dancers at Jack Ruby’s Carousel Club, Pixie Lynn, Karen Carlin and Kathy Kay all said they saw Lee Oswald on several occasions at the Carousel Club.[17] You may remember Carlin as the person Ruby was sending the Western Union wire to right before he killed Oswald. Beverly Oliver was a dancer at the Colony Club, and was often at the Carousel Club. She said she saw Ruby with Oswald and he introduced her, saying QUOTE “I’d like you to meet my friend Lee Oswald, who works for the CIA.”[18] Pixie Lynn also said she saw Ruby with Oswald at the club.[19]
On November 5th, Marvin Lloyd was sitting at an adjoining table to three men at the Carousel Club, one of whom he later identified as Lee Harvey Oswald. Lloyd said that Oswald began making catcalls at one of the women on stage, which led to Jack Ruby throwing him out of the room. But, Lloyd saw Ruby talking to the man a few minutes later and claims that he heard Ruby say to Oswald, QUOTE “You’ve just simply got to have the balls to do it; it simply takes balls.”[20]
Wilbyrn Waldon Litchfield, II was a 30 year old pro bowler who knew Jack Ruby and wanted to buy one of his nightclubs. In early November of 1963,[21] Litchfield went to the Carousel Club to meet with Ruby, but he wasn’t there yet. By the time Ruby arrived, a several people were waiting to meet with him: a photographer, Ruby’s friend from California, and a young man in a t shirt and gray khakis. This young man met with Ruby for 15 to 20 minutes. On the day after Ruby killed Oswald, Litchfield met with his friend Don Green, who worked for the Dallas Police Department, to tell him that the young man he saw meeting with Jack Ruby in the t-shirt and gray khakis was Lee Harvey Oswald. Litchfield then gave a statement to the Dallas Police and the FBI.[22]
About a week and a half before the assassination, Jack Ruby went to Contract Electronics with a younger man who Ruby said worked for him. They were looking for electronic equipment and speakers for the Carousel Club. The interaction stood out to the two co-owners of the business - Robert Patterson and Donald Stuart, and their employee, Charles Arndt, because they were all offered free passes to the club from Ruby.[23]Patterson identified the younger man as Lee Harvey Oswald to the FBI on the Tuesday after the assassination.[24] But, Stuart and Arndt were not sure that it was the same man.[25]
On November 14th, a woman named Corrine Villard says that she saw Jack Ruby with Oswald in Morgan City, Louisiana at the New Port Motel. Villard told New Orleans district attorney, Jim Garrison, that she had known Ruby for 15 years and was talking to him at the bar. She then noticed that Ruby kept looking over his shoulder at a man who was fumbling with the telephone trying to place a call. She saw this man and Ruby leave the Motel bar together in the same car, and later identified the man with Ruby as Lee Harvey Oswald.[26]
A 1976 story in the Dallas Morning News seems to corroborate Corinne Villard’s story. After President Kennedy was assassinated, police officers Billy Preston and Robbie Love were given a box of documents and letters that mentioned Oswald and Ruby by an anonymous woman named Mary. Mary told the cops that the box originally belonged to Mary’s roommate, who Mary says was hiding it for her Latin American boyfriend. Officer Ben Cash also examined the contents of the box and both Cash and Officer Billy Preston recalled a receipt for a motel near New Orleans. The receipt showed calls that were made to the Cuban and Soviet embassies in Mexico City from the motel. The box of documents was turned over to the authorities, but it was either lost or destroyed, or these 4 police officers made the story up about the box.[27]
Ben Cash told the Dallas Morning News QUOTE “We kept quiet about all this. We figured it would be handled on a higher level. And when it didn’t come out, we thought at that time possibly they thought that kind of information tying it into the Cubans or Russians couldn’t be released at that time because it might put us in World War III.”[28]
On November 17, Vern Davis met a man he later identified as Lee Harvey Oswald at Jack’s Bar on Exposition Street in Dallas. Davis said that Oswald was talking about President Kennedy’s upcoming trip to Dallas, and even mentioned the Dallas Trade Mart where the President was scheduled to speak. After speaking with Oswald for about five minutes, Davis saw his friend Jack Ruby enter the bar and said hello. Davis doesn’t say that Ruby and Oswald were there together, just that they were both in the same bar at the same time.[29]
On Thursday, November 21st, a young man knocked on the door of apartment 206 at 223 South Ewing. Helen McIntosh, a friend of the Southern Methodist University professor who lived at the apartment, opened the door. The young man asked for Jack Ruby, but was told by McIntosh and the professor that Ruby lived in the apartment next door – 207. The next day, McIntosh saw photos of Oswald on TV and realized that he was the young man who appeared at the door of the apartment the previous evening.[30]
On top of all of those sightings, there is also evidence that, just a few weeks before the assassination, one person tried to call Lee Harvey Oswald and then Jack Ruby in quick succession.
Marion Hayes worked as a long distance operator for Southern Bell in Atlanta. On November 10th, she received a call from a man staying at the Dogwood Motel in Chamblee, Georgia who was trying to call Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans. Hayes tried to connect the call to Oswald, but could not reach him. She then tried a number in Dallas that was also not answered. Shortly after handling the attempted call to Oswald, Hayes fielded another long distance call from the same man. But this time, the man was trying to reach Jack Rubenstein in Dallas. This call was also not completed.[31] Around 1am, Marion Hayes took a third phone call from the man at Dogwood Motel. He used the same credit card and again placed a call to Jack Rubenstein in Dallas, which was successfully completed.[32]
In late 1963, James Martin, who managed Marina Oswald after Lee was killed, said that he met the manager of an Atlanta area motel in Dallas who told him about two phone calls a guest made at their motel that “would go down in history”. When Martin tried to tell this story to the Warren Commission, Earl Warren ordered it stricken from the record and the stenographic tape was destroyed on site.[33]
Laura Kittrell
Laura Kittrell of the Texas Employment Commission first met Lee Oswald on October 8th. At that time, she was talking to another applicant and Oswald overheard their conversation. He asked Kittrell if the woman he overheard had just said she worked for Murray Chotiner in California.[34] When Kittrell told Oswald she couldn’t disclose information another person had said, he hit the table with his hand and left.[35]
Two days later, around October 10th, Kittrell once again saw Oswald in the Texas Employment Commission office. She interviewed him for about an hour and forty minutes. He talked about his time in the Soviet Union, including his job there, and that he had married a Russian woman.[36] Kittrell filled out applications for Oswald for office work, warehouse work, and print-shop work. Oswald returned on October 15th to meet with Kittrell for a third time so that he could have his job codes changed and take aptitude tests to help find him a white collar job.[37] Kittrell tried to call Oswald at his rooming house to follow up, but was told by the person who answered that Mr. Lee was not in.[38]
On October 17th, during a time that Oswald was working at the Schoolbook Depository Building, Laura Kittrell says that a man came in claiming to be Lee Harvey Oswald. But, this man looked more shaggy to Kittrell than the Oswald she had met three times before. This man told Kittrell that he needed to have his job codes changed, which confused Kittrell because that is what she had just done for Oswald on his last visit two days earlier. The man claming to be Oswald said he had become a member of the Teamsters Union and that since union members do not have to take non-union jobs, he was filing his claim for unemployment once again.
Kitrell’s ultimate conclusion of the interaction with this man is that he was QUOTE “a fellow who was pretending to be the man whose wife has just had a baby, and who had been coached upon how to answer certain questions which might arise, and who forgets, a little later, how he answered them, or if he has.”[39]Kittrell added that QUOTE “in the course of the interview, I was struck with the thought that this man was not the person he claimed to be.”[40]
In Louisiana
There are also a few sightings of someone pretending to be Oswald in Louisiana when we know he is really in Dallas working at the Schoolbook Depository.
Around 1pm on Friday October 25th, Aldeane Magee showed an apartment in Baton Rouge to a man who identified himself as Harvey Lee Oswald. This man, who arrived in a vehicle that he drove, said that he had worked for a coffee company in New Orleans, had spent three years in Russia, and that he was a Marxist. Mrs. Magee saw the man’s wife in the car and noticed that she was very pregnant. (We know this can’t be Marina because she gave birth to Rachel Oswald five days earlier on October 20th.) The man told Magee that he wanted to make sure the apartment had good locks because he had a lot of guns.[41]
James Gallaher told the FBI that he was at the Capitol House Hotel in Baton Rouge sometime in October 1963 and overheard a man say to others QUOTE “If we can’t vote the man we want into office, we will vote him in with a rifle.” When Gallaher saw Oswald on television, he identified him as one of the people he saw. Gallaher told the FBI the man who made the statement about voting with a rifle was Clay Shaw.[42]
On a Saturday morning in early November, doorman Leander D’Avy, was looking to collect his paycheck from his boss at the Court of Two Sisters Restaurant in New Orleans. He entered the storeroom and found that it was converted into an apartment. D’Avy found his boss, Gene Davis, and got his paycheck. D’Avy claimed that Lee Oswald, David Ferrie, and 4 other men he didn’t know were all there in this converted storeroom.[43]
November Sightings
The sightings of another person pretending to be Oswald continued right up until the day of the assassination.
On Saturday, November 2, while Oswald was with his wife and two small children at the Paine residence, a man claiming to be Oswald visited Albert Bogard at the Downtown Lincoln Mercury Dealership to test drive a car. After test driving a new car, the man said he would come back with $3,500 cash in a couple of weeks. Bogard wrote the name Oswald down on a business card. Finance manager, Eugene Wilson told the man he would need a good credit rating and he responded “maybe I will have to go back to Russia to buy a car.” In total, three employees, Bogard, Wilson, and Oran Brown all recalled the interaction with this man who said he was Oswald.[44]
On November 7th, James Markham was walking down the street when he was offered a ride by Jerry Tolliver, a man Markham had met a few weeks earlier at the bowling alley. Markham got in the car with Tolliver and was introduced to another guy in the car, who went by the name of Ozzie. Markham saw Ozzie again several times. He recalled that Ozzie had asked him if he wanted to help him QUOTE “stun the nation” by killing President Kennedy on his upcoming trip to Dallas. When Markham saw photos of Lee Harvey Oswald after the assassination, he recognized Ozzie as Lee Harvey Oswald. But Oswald’s whereabouts were accounted for each time Markham claimed to have seen Oswald.[45] By the way, this is the same Markham whose mother, Helen Markham, was the key witness for the J.D. Tippitt shooting. Small world.
Around the same time as the Markham sightings of Ozzie, Edith Whitworth claimed that a man she would later describe as being identical to Oswald visited her furniture store in Irving.[46] She says that he came in looking for a gun smith because there was a sign that said gun repair outside. She told the man that they no longer had a gun department. He then went to the car to get his wife and children and looked around for furniture.[47]
The man said he would need some furniture in about 2 weeks. Whitworth and her friend Gertrude Hunter who was also there, began talking about the age of the baby. While the woman did not speak, the man translated for her in a foreign language. The man said that the baby girl was born on October 20th (which is the same day Rachel Oswald was born). Though the wife had a baby in her arms, she never showed the baby to Hunter or Whitworth.[48] Marina Oswald was asked about this interaction by the Warren Commission and denied that it happened.[49]
As we noted in season 1 of this podcast, Oswald was also impersonated at the Irving Sports Shop when he drove there in the middle of the week to ask Dial Ryder to install a mount, sometime around November 7th. We also discussed someone who was identified as Oswald at the Sports Drome Rifle Range on multiple occasions, when we know that Oswald’s whereabouts were accounted for. We also covered the alleged Oswald sightings at the Dobb’s House Restaurant on November 20th when we know Oswald was at work. There is also the claim of Ralph Yates that he picked up a hitchhiker who wanted a ride to the Schoolbook Depository and said he had a long brown package with curtain rods in it.
There is one more sighting of an Oswald impersonator on November 20th that we have not yet discussed. While Oswald was working at the Book Depository, a car with three passengers arrived at the Redbird Airport, about 5 miles from downtown Dallas. Wayne January, the owner of American Aviation, was visited by a man and a woman who wanted to rent a plane to fly to the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico, two days later, on November 22nd.[50]
January noticed a third man sitting in the car. After the assassination, he saw Oswald’s photo on TV and identified the man he saw as Lee Harvey Oswald. January says that he told the FBI that this event happened on November 20th, but the FBI reported it as happening in July of 1963.[51]
Many of these sightings, especially the ones that do not have multiple witnesses, may not be credible enough to rely on. Individual witnesses may be wrong. But, even if we throw out half of the sightings as being unreliable, the remaining ones that were corroborated by multiple witnesses make it clear that there wassomeone impersonating Lee Harvey Oswald. The big question that I don’t have the answer for is why was Oswald being impersonated? And who was doing it?
NEXT TIME ON SOLVING JFK: We finally turn to the instances of alleged foreknowledge in the assassination of President Kennedy. Did anyone really show that they knew that President Kennedy would be killed before it happened?
[1] The Houston Chronicle, April 28, 1959, A1 (available at John Armstrong, Harvey & Lee, CD-ROM, Folder SEP 63-01).
[4] HSCA Testimony of Robert McKeown, Executive Session, April 12, 1978 - https://www.realhistoryarchives.com/collections/assassinations/jfk/mckeown.htm
[6] Id.
[7] Id.
[8] Id.
[9] Robert McKeown claims that he was also visited by Jack Ruby who was looking for an introduction to Castro after the revolution. We’ll cover that interaction in a future episode.
[10] Associated Press, 11/28/1963; New York Times, 11/30/1963; Armstrong at 709.
[11] National Archives, FBI 124-10229-10425; Armstrong at 709
[12] National Archives, FBI 124-10241-10364.
[13] FBI Report available at Armstrong, CD-ROM , Folder OCT-63-01
[16] Fort Worth Star Telegram, 7/18/1976, 6b
[17] Id.; re Pixie Lynn (aka Helen Kay Smith) – Letter from H.M. Hart, Detective, Criminal Intelligence Section, to Captain W.P. Gannaway, Special Service Bureau, Dallas Police Department.
[18] Armstrong at 711.
[19] Letter from H.M. Hart, Detective, Criminal Intelligence Section, to Captain W.P. Gannaway, Special Service Bureau, Dallas Police Department.
[20] FBI memo from Waco, Texas Field Office, 5/22/67.
[21] See Armstrong at 745.
[22] Warren Commission Testimony of Wilbyrn Waldon (Robert) Litchfield II - https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh14/pdf/WH14_Litchfield.pdf
[24] Id.
[25] https://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh26/pdf/WH26_CE_2886.pdf; https://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh26/pdf/WH26_CE_2885.pdf
[26] National Archives, HSCA 180-10109-10097, Interview of Corrine Verges Villard by Jim Garrison, 2/28/67. - https://digitalcollections-baylor.quartexcollections.com/Documents/Detail/new-orleans-witnesses-corrine-villard/705860?item=705862
[27] Papers Link Ruby, Oswald, Dallas Morning News, 3/28/76, p 30A.
[28] Id.
[29] County Man Tells of Oswald, Ruby, The Daily Oklahoman, 11/25/63 - https://digitalcollections-baylor.quartexcollections.com/Documents/Detail/sightings-of-lho-nov.-1963-1963-11-17-ven-davis/691596?item=691603
[30] Armstrong at 789, CD-ROM Folder (NOV 1-21: 35-36).
[31] December 1, 1963 FBI Report - https://digitalcollections-baylor.quartexcollections.com/Documents/Detail/prior-knowledge-of-the-assassination-marion-hayes/701914?item=701916
[32] Id.
[33] HSCA Testimony of James Herbert Martin, at 61-62; Armstrong at 764. (Note, I could not find independendent support for this proposition outside of Armstrong's book.)
[34] This mentioning of Murray Chotiner and the job in California supports John Armstrong’s theory of a second Oswald living and working in California during high school for a very brief period. Kittrell also stated that Oswald told her he worked at a shoe company. Murray Chotiner was the lawyer for Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegel. He was eventually named special counsel for Nixon’s Committee to Re Elect the President and worked in the “dirty tricks” department. Chotiner was killed in a hit and run car accident that was never solved. See Armstrong at 718-719.
[35] Id. at 717, CD-ROM Folder (OCT 63:05).
[36] Id. at 719; see also https://digitalcollections-baylor.quartexcollections.com/Documents/Detail/sightings-of-lho-oct.-1963-laurel-kittral/687524?item=687525.
[37] Armstrong at 725-726; see also https://digitalcollections-baylor.quartexcollections.com/Documents/Detail/sightings-of-lho-oct.-1963-laurel-kittral/687524?item=687525.
[38] Id. at 726. see also https://digitalcollections-baylor.quartexcollections.com/Documents/Detail/sightings-of-lho-oct.-1963-laurel-kittral/687524?item=687525.
[39] Id. at 728. see also https://digitalcollections-baylor.quartexcollections.com/Documents/Detail/sightings-of-lho-oct.-1963-laurel-kittral/687524?item=687525.
[40] Armstrong CD-ROM Folder (OCT 63:12). Laura Kittrell tried to contact authorities on four different occasions, but no one took her seriously: 12/26 – 2 page letter to RFK, 4/64 – 20 page letter to Warren Commission, 6/4/65 – 14 page letter to RFK, 7/65 – 2 FBI agents interview Kittrell for the first time.
[41] Memorandum of Interview with Mrs. Aldeane Magee by Andrew J. Sciambra, 7/9/68, HSCA 180-10109-10076.
[42] HSCA 180-10019-10476, FBI Investigative File on the Assassination of John Kennedy, 62-109060-4591; Armstrong at 735.
[43] Armstrong CD-ROM Folder (OCT 63: 15); Memo from Andrew Sciambra to Jim Garrison, HSCA 180-10102-10378; HSCA 180-10102-10379.
[44] Salesman Said FBI Discounted Facts on Oswald, Dallas Morning News, Sunday May 8, 1977 (available at Armstrong CD-ROM NOV 63:01); https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh10/pdf/WH10_Bogard.pdf
[45] Commission Document 1518, p 74; FBI interview of James Alfred Markham by SA James Wood, 8/6/64.
[46] Warren Commission Testimony of Edith Whitworth - https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh11/pdf/WH11_Whitworth.pdf
[47] Id; Warren Commission Testimony of Gertrude Hunter - https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh11/pdf/WH11_Hunter.pdf
[48] Id. (see also Armstrong 747-753).
[49] Armstrong at 751.
[50] FBI Memorandum to Sullivan and Branigan, dated 12/23/63, available at Armstrong CD ROM – NOV 1-21: 19.
[51] The Second Oswald by Richard Popkin, p 92; Cover-Up by Gary Shaw, p 111.